I was topping Pinot Noir in their respective barrels enjoying my day. I was at the top of the ladder, pictured below, when i stepped down once step and lost my footing. The ladder was a tiny bit slippery and it's also on wheels. So it took off and I had nothing below me. It happened pretty fast so details are vague. From what I can tell, I tried to grab onto anything to not hit the ground. My arms lost a little skin and half a nail is missing on my pinky (useless finger anyways). And it would appear I banged my head against a barrel on the way down because I split my forehead open above my right eye right where the hairline is. Luckily I have bangs so I still look cool as hell.
Due to either my exceptional cat-like reflexes, my extensive NASA space camp training, or by sheer luck, I amazingly landed on my feet. I'm not entirely sure how tall the ladder is but I know I was on the second or third to the top stair so my feet were a good ten feet or so up before I dropped. I guess I'm pretty lucky because I could have really hurt myself. I am prone to braking bones after all (see left arm). But today was not my day and my number was not up. Tomorrow's my last day at work and I plan on staying off ladders as much as possible. I think cheating death once an internship is enough for me. Now, who's got a beer?