Oct 5, 2009

I was bored at work today so I decided to record me doing something boring. I'm getting new barrels ready and checking them for leaks. Also making sure no living creatures from France have crawled inside to kill me. Watch only if you're bored:

Me at work In Fast Forward from Dane Gaffney on Vimeo.


  1. Like you said Dane, boring but clever


  2. Ha. My favorite part is when you flip the barrels upside down towards the end.

    ps; you need to enable name/URL comments, you dingbat. Right now only people with google accounts tied to a blogspot blog can comment and not everyone {me} has those, or at least uses them as a primary blog. Ahem.

  3. You said this was in fast forward but it looks like normal Daneger working speed to me.
