Today was spent poppin bottles. About 1500 of them. Most of you would be like "wow Dane, you're so lucky, you got to pop so much sparkling wine. You must have felt like a rockstar. Just like you used to be when you were cool back in the day." But you'd be wrong. I'm still not cool, but poppin 1500 bottles completely destroys your hands. I can barely type right now. That being said, it was a relief to finally get this done. Our winery had a contract with another vineyard ot make their sparkling wine for them. But that contract has come to an end so it is imperative we erase all traces of them. Still pretty sad to see all the champagne get put down.
Here's a few pictures of the bottles and crates we went through. Each crate holds 670 bottles and we did about 3.
We used this red pallet to let the bottles drain. It's the stickiest of the icky:
I should also say a lot of these bottles have been under immense amount of pressure to perform. While we were working a bunch of them shot their caps off taking Cory and I out. I have a bruise on my arm from taking one that rebounded off the ceiling. I also have a bump on my head from one. Then there was the shrapnel from the corks. Sweet. I need a shower.
Dang. Who knew you needed protective gear in order to intern at a winery.